Are you ready for a challenge?
Try reducing your stress level in just five minutes a day.
Is that even possible?!
All workers are under stress these days, but perhaps none more than healthcare workers, and specifically nurses.
A new report from the Royal College of Nursing says that staff cuts and excessive workloads are “leading to unprecedented nurse stress and ill health.”
Needless to say, it’s a serious matter, and perhaps no one is better equipped to help than stress reduction expert and speaker Diane Sieg, a former Emergency Room nurse herself and author of the book, STOP Living Life Like An Emergency!
Diane is currently leading employees at Lutheran Medical Center in Denver through a “30-day Mindfulness Challenge” which promises to reduce stress in just five minutes a day.
“The idea is to turn chaos to calm by staying focused in the present,” Diane says, and she’s been helping her audience members, retreat participants and coaching clients do just that for over 10 years now.
“I thought it was relaxing, it was calming, it was perfect peace in the middle of my day,” said one doctor from Lutheran Medical Center.
Are high stress levels dragging your employees down? If so, it may be time for your team to take the Mindfulness Challenge. Click to learn more and check fees and availability.