Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE is founder and president of Cathcart Institute, Inc. and one of the most widely recognized professional speakers in the world. As the author of 13 books and scores of recorded programs, his students number in the hundreds of thousands. He is a past president of the National Speakers Association (NSA), winner of the Cavett Award, member of the Speaker Hall of Fame (CPAE), Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), a member of the exclusive Speakers Roundtable, 20 of the world’s top speakers, and, in the year 2001, recipient of the Golden Gavel Award from Toastmasters International.
Mr. Cathcart is an industry leader among speakers. He is also co-author of the Professional Speaker System used by top professionals to grow their own speaking businesses and refine their skills. With over 2,000 professional speeches to his credit, Jim Cathcart is a true veteran of the platform with an even more active speaking calendar today.
Cathcart Institute, Inc. has written and published a wide variety of learning resources in the area of human development. All of these are available as live in-person training programs as well as published works. Topics covered include: Sales Skills, Empowerment, Leadership, Professional Development, Self Improvement, Relationship Skills, Public Speaking, Self Motivation, Managing People, Psychology, Personality Styles, Sales Management, Marketing, Customer Relations, Service Strategies, Strategic Planning, and Communication Skills.
Quick Reference Card
Domestic Keynote Fee Range*:
Perfect for:
• Learn to rethink: our markets, our systems, our relationships, our strategies and ourselves
• Learn what to listen for, how to be natural in your selling style, and how to connect with the underlying elements of buying psychology that most people never heard of
• Learn how to find and grow your natural strengths so you can always be self motivated
• Learn how systems, strategies, and relationships impact service
*Speaker fees vary based on event location, program duration and other factors, and are subject to change without notice. Please contact us for an accurate fee quote for your event.
Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE is founder and president of Cathcart Institute, Inc. and one of the most widely recognized professional speakers in the world. As the author of 13 books and scores of recorded programs, his students number in the hundreds of thousands. He is a past president of the National Speakers Association (NSA), winner of the Cavett Award, member of the Speaker Hall of Fame (CPAE), Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), a member of the exclusive Speakers Roundtable, 20 of the world’s top speakers, and, in the year 2001, recipient of the Golden Gavel Award from Toastmasters International.
Mr. Cathcart is an industry leader among speakers. He is also co-author of the Professional Speaker System used by top professionals to grow their own speaking businesses and refine their skills. With over 2,000 professional speeches to his credit, Jim Cathcart is a true veteran of the platform with an even more active speaking calendar today.
Cathcart Institute, Inc. has written and published a wide variety of learning resources in the area of human development. All of these are available as live in-person training programs as well as published works. Topics covered include: Sales Skills, Empowerment, Leadership, Professional Development, Self Improvement, Relationship Skills, Public Speaking, Self Motivation, Managing People, Psychology, Personality Styles, Sales Management, Marketing, Customer Relations, Service Strategies, Strategic Planning, and Communication Skills.
Leadership: Rethinking Ourselves For A New Era
New technologies require new ways of thinking. Every day another standard practice becomes obsolete. To continue to grow and thrive we must learn to constantly Rethink: our markets, our systems, our relationships, our strategies and ourselves. The most popular methods of leadership, management, sales and service delivery are already dangerously out of date. This presentation combines stories, visuals, research and audience interaction to dramatically impact the way we think.
Relationship Selling
Sometimes it is not your product or price that gets you the business, sometimes it is simply the way you connect with people. We need to rethink how we connect with our customers and suppliers, before our competition does. When Jim Cathcart wrote the book Relationship Selling it was considered revolutionary. Today it is considered standard practice. This presentation shows you what to listen for, how to be natural in your selling style, and how to connect with the underlying elements of buying psychology that most people never heard of.
The Acorn Principle -- Helping People Grow
The Acorn Principle is: “Your greatest, fastest and easiest growth always comes from your natural abilities.” Every person can be very good at certain things, but most people don’t know what those things are. Jim shows people how to find and grow their natural strengths so that they can always be self motivated. A fascinating exploration of what makes us who we are, and how to use it.
The Grandma Factor -- Lifetime Customer Loyalty
Everyone knows how to provide good service, our challenge is getting them to want to. The real magic in customer service comes from discretionary efforts, when people go beyond their job description. This begins with training people in how to think about: their role, their goal and the person they serve. When you don’t find much meaning in what you do, you don’t bring much value to what you do. This presentation focuses on the way systems, strategies, and relationships impact service. Jim teaches “The Grandma Factor” for building your clientele through UpServing.
You really did blow me away. You were the rage of our conference. Not only was your style and warmth fantastic, but the quality of the knowledge and material you presented was absolutely incredible! — Ken Blanchard, author, The One Minute Manager
You were incredible. Your program held the attendees on the edge of their seat. It wasn't just entertaining, it was useful and can be applied immediately. — Lincoln Investment Planning, Inc.
We had high hopes. You exceeded all our expectations ... and you were a delight to work with. — McRae's Department Stores
...you were right on target in your message to our people... obviously did your homework... found the right message to really reach our people and leave a meaningful message and impression. My compliments on a job exceptionally well done! — Purina Mills, Inc.